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Some companies have the right strategy and are implementing it successfully. Others are still learning how to exploit their digital strategy while others may not have selected the right type of strategy for their business. indoCDO can help you to create a business strategy for the digital age. If you don’t yet have a digital strategy we can help you to choose, develop and implement the right one. We can familiarise you with the different types of strategies including digital marketing strategies, digital business strategies, digital transformation strategies and digital economy strategies. Once you make your choice, we can help you establish an effective digital presence.



Every organisation that has an Internet connection has an inherent digital capability but the ways in which they develop this capability varies greatly. Those that understand the opportunity and learn to measure and improve their digital capability are likely to find themselves in a better position to compete in the digital economy. Measuring and improving digital capability may be regarded as the start and end points of your digital journey, where the distance between is the digital transformation that you need to undergo. indoCDO can help your organisation to measure its digital capability in a way that helps you to set future targets for improved productivity and business value. 



Digital transformation occurs where digital champions in the executive team decide that digital must drive their business. Achieving this requires digital adoption across the organisation with every business unit delivering on digital KPI's. IndoCDO can help your organisation to develop a "Go Digital" culture by converting traditional processes to digital or in some cases replacing them in ways that will add value across your organisation. The public sector meanwhile needs to become more customer centric by increasing internal efficiencies and providing improved online public services. It needs to adopt a "Digital by Default" mentality and undertake digital transformation as part of planned programmes for public sector reform. 



Digital creates turbulence in organisations by disrupting traditional business models while at the same time offering innovative opportunities to create new sources of value. However many organisations still make do with bolting on digital strategies to their existing businesses. What they actually need is a business strategy for the digital age, one firmly underpinned by digital leadership. indoCDO can help you to value the impact of proactive digital leadership across your business. We can help you to create the right digital configuration for you business and make it easier for you to measure and understand the impact of your digital strategy. 

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